If you're wondering...

Totally missing a zero somewhere

So, uh. yeah, see, I.. that number I mentioned below? That number of hours?

Last year for Thanksgiving, we made a fabulous spread with Cornish game hens and all our favorite fixins. And it was lovely and delicious and we only had to cook once all weekend. This year, however, I wasn't too jazzed about cooking and cleaning for just the two of us. So instead we agreed to relax and make dinner reservations. And let me say, for the record - we totally made the right call.

The weekend also involved:

Me dragging Jason to see Pride & Prejudice. I have a feeling he's going to retaliate and make me see Doom (not because he's particularly interested in seeing it, but just to punish me), or "forget" to tape Veronica Mars for me tomorrow night while I'm teaching class.

Jason getting a haircut and hanging out with me at work while our car was in the shop (nothing serious). He had so much vacation left this year, since we've taken no vacations, that he had a six-day weekend and gets to take two weeks at Christmas. Bastard. In any event, it was nice to have lunch with him, something we haven't done regularly since we worked fairly close to each other in Dallas.

Having a co-worker and his girlfriend over to watch Shaun of the Dead. We're probably the last people on the planet who haven't seen it (and who also appreciate British comedy), and it was a right funny flick. We watched part of it again last night after my class.

Putting up our Christmas tree, and a smattering of other decorations. We didn't get to the outside; I'm still pushing for the animated, lighted deer made of the fake moss. At a minimum, we'll have swags on the porch and balcony railings. And maybe some other lights. Who knows?

Starting on the guest bedroom headboard. I have this crafty upholstered monstrosity in my head, so we've gathered our supplies and begun assembly. I bought a glue gun because I didn't know where mine was, and then found said glue gun while looking for extra staples for the staple gun. Which we will have to buy since I can't imagine where they might be.

Avoiding most Black Friday sales. I had wanted the $100 TV with built-in DVD player for our bedroom, so I can watch the boob tube while Jason practices downstairs, but that would have required leaving the house before noon.

Watching Texas win but sort of lose and then watching Colorado lose but, 24 hours later, kind of win.

Last night was the start of another Photoshop class - hard to believe I've been teaching classes for over a year. For the first time I have a fairly diverse class - all ages, a fairly equal gender split - and everyone seems to be moving at the same speed instead of the extremes I've had in the past, either a student who skips ahead and acts bored or a student who hasn't quite mastered navigating the OS. Or both in the same class, which sucks in a big way. This class will be a nice quickie - they normally last four weeks, one night a week; this one is two nights a week, so I'll be done next Wednesday. Huzzah, extra Christmas money!

[Oh, and the design. It's pretty much done and coded. But the WordPress integration is hairy. We're shooting for having it live sometime this weekend. And can I just say. no comments on my bra size, but everyone chiming in when my design is late? My readers are more mature than I give them credit for.]